Who is Susie? Who is Susie Newton?
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I am

a Technological Business Developer with a passion for helping others.

susie newton

Susie E. Newton


A native of Saint Petersburg, Florida and owner of God's Image Management & Consulting, a Strategic Marketing, Brand and Business Developing company. Susie is a wildfire and well rounded business woman who has found her niche' and is relentlessly focused.


Her R.Y.B. NetWork platform is now flourishing in her long awaited community efforts to encourage, uplift, motivate, translate and relieve some of the technologiacal stresses new small businesses face day in and day out while, seeking to affirm their legacy. RYBNetwork is definitely OTT. "When enough just won't do. Do more."

May of 2016, she founded Plays For A Purpose, a non profit organization, which mentors youth and upcoming business owners on various scales. April 19, 2020 after completing Software Development Bootcamp, Susie wasted no time digging her keystrokes into advancing existing businesses she has assisted over a ten year span since starting G.I. Management & Consulting in Dallas, Texas.

Lastly, being the Creative Director and Founder of Saved & Sexy Radio, transparent radio for the transparent community, in her down time she operates her podcast Constance Corner on AchorFM and their partners. Nothing comes to a sleeper but a dream. Wake up. Pray about it. Then contact S. E. Newton, the software developer for the small business community.